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Indonesia Financial Service Authority Chairperson Wimboh Santoso, Economic Coordinating Minister Darmin Nasution, Higher Education Minister Mohamad Nasir, Youth Minister Imam Nahrawi, and ADB Country Director Winfried Wicklein joined AKSIMUDA 2019 on 30 July for the launch of Indonesia's Youth Financial Inclusion Strategy and Youth Financial Inclusion Ambassadors Program. Over 1,300 participants including government, private sector, and youth...
Program Structure
Y-Bank is one week experiential, financial education and career exploration program for Indonesian youth ages 20-26. The intensive learning by doing experience explores the role of all the actors in the financial eco-system and the concept of sustainable finance, through lectures by industry professionals paired with practical learning exercises. The program will also provide practical skills related to developing a professional network and ultimately your career path. It will also provide the possibility to interview with leading financial services providers and to participate in related ADB/OJK programs such as the Youth Financial Inclusion Ambassadors (DIKA) program in the future.
- Understand the financial sector
- Develop practical financial skills
- Get real experience in the financial sector
- Join the Y-Bank network of like-minded individuals
- Build new professional networks that could lead to employment or business development
- Explore the possibility to become a future Y-Bank teacher or a Youth Financial Inclusion Ambassador
- Obtain a certificate of completion
- Participate in an unique and rewarding experiential learning program
- Increase your own financial sector knowledge
- Create contacts within the financial sector
- Learn what motivates youth financial behavior
- Inspire a new generation of potential employees
- Network with other participating financial institutions, regulators, and academia