
Program Structure

Y-Bank is one week experiential, financial education and career exploration program for Indonesian youth ages 20-26.  The intensive learning by doing experience explores the role of all the actors in the financial eco-system and the concept of sustainable finance, through lectures by industry professionals paired with practical learning exercises.  The program will also provide practical skills related to developing a professional network and ultimately your career path.  It will also provide the possibility to interview with leading financial services providers and to participate in related ADB/OJK programs such as the Youth Financial Inclusion Ambassadors (DIKA) program in the future. 

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What's in it for me?



  • Understand the financial sector 
  • Develop practical financial skills
  • Get real experience in the financial sector 
  • Join the Y-Bank network of like-minded individuals
  • Build new professional networks that could lead to employment or business development
  • Explore the possibility to become a future Y-Bank teacher or a Youth Financial Inclusion Ambassador 
  • Obtain a certificate of completion



  • Participate in an unique and rewarding experiential learning program 
  • Increase your own financial sector knowledge 
  • Create contacts within the financial sector




  • Learn what motivates youth financial behavior
  • Inspire a new generation of potential employees
  • Network with other participating financial institutions, regulators, and academia